Wednesday 10 November 2010


§  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License, 9th November (2010), Location-based services. Available at [Accessed 1st October 2010]
§  Mullins L. (2010) Management & Organisational Behaviour, (9th Edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall.
§  How has technology made our lives better (2008) Directed by David Pogue [Video] Available at [Accessed 26th October 2010]
§  Mark Wilson (2009) Gizmodo: Mark. 29th December. Available at [Accessed 26th October 2010]
§  How is technology changing the way we live (2007) Directed by Jagdish Bhagwati [Video] Available at [Accessed 26th October 2010]
§  Google Maps for the iPhone (2008) Directed by GoogleMobileBlog [Video] Available at [Accessed 26th October 2010]
§  Google Maps for the iPhone (2008) Directed by GoogleMobileBlog [Video] Available at [Accessed 26th October 2010]
§  Kotler P, Bowen T. B, Makens C. J (1996). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. 4th edition. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying Behavior. United States of America: Prentice Hall.
§  UNT (2006). Student Money Management Center’s top 10 holiday spending mistakes. Available at [Accessed 8th November 2010]
§  Today’s Youth Travelers: Tomorrow’s Global Nomads. New Horizons in Independent Youth and Student Travel. A Report for the International Student Travel Confederation (ISTC) and the Association of Tourism and Leisure Education-Amsterdam - September 2003. [Online]. Available at [Accessed 8th November 2010]
§  Graig Nathanson (2002-2010). Spending Money: The Difference Between “need” and “Want”. Senior Magazine Online. (n.k) [Online]. Available at [Accessed 8th November 2010]

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